Now showing items 1-20 of 41

    • BALSAM Project 2013‐2015: Recommendations and Guidelines for Benthic Habitat Monitoring with Method Descriptions for Two Methods for Monitoring of Biotope and Habitat Extent. 

      Bojārs, Edgars; HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2015)
      Work package 6 of the BALSAM Project dealt with Baltic benthic habitat monitoring methods and programmes useful for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This included both as-sessing the usefulness of monitoring ...
    • Draft guidelines for sampling and determination of total alkalinity. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Although not listed among HELCOM Core Indicators, total alkalinity should be monitored to provide information of alterations in the carbonate buffer system, which may be induced by changing weathering processes on the ...
    • Draft guidelines for sampling and determination of total nitrogen. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Total nitrogen includes all organic and inorganic forms of nitrogen, dissolved as well as suspended or particulate. The results are an estimation of the total amount of nitrogen, not only the dissolved bioavailable ...
    • Guideline for the determination of heavy metals in sediment. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2018)
      This Technical note provides advice on the analysis of heavy metals in total marine and coastal sediments and sieved fractions, including sampling and sample handling. The analysis of heavy metals in sediments basically ...
    • Guideline on the determination of Perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) in seawater. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2018)
      Perfluorooctane sulphonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and other per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are considered global environmental contaminants. PFOS and PFOA are chemically and biologically ...
    • Guidelines for coastal fish monitoring. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2019)
      Coastal fish communities are influenced by a plethora of impacting variables, including human-induced pressures related to overexploitation, climate change, eutrophication, contaminants, habitat degradation, effects of ...
    • Guidelines for collecting citizen observations on non-indigenous species (NIS). 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)
      Monitoring of non-indigenous species (NIS) is required through several international agreements and guidelines, such as the EU Regulation on Invasive Alien Species (The European Parliament and the Council of the European ...
    • Guidelines for determination of salinity and temperature using CTD. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Salinity Measurements based on electrical conductivity have since the 1960s replaced measurements of chlorinity. The Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78) presently used, has been defined to maintain a continuity ...
    • Guidelines for monitoring of mesozooplankton. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)
      The mesozooplankton is a size fraction of zooplankton community (0.2 to 20 mm) that is addressed in the HELCOM- monitoring guidelines. Mesozooplankton constitute an important part of zooplankton in the pelagic food webs, ...
    • Guidelines for monitoring of phytoplankton species composition, abundance and biomass. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)
      Long-term monitoring has enabled determination of the annual phytoplankton succession and facilitates the recognizing of aberrant phenomena and their progression in the phytoplankton community (e.g. Hajdu et al. 2006, ...
    • Guidelines for monitoring of radioactive substances. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2020)
      Routine station network for regular monitoring programme is recommended as indicated in the following list and maps. Sampling frequency is once a year. Additional stations and samples are recommended, and reporting of the ...
    • Guidelines for monitoring of turbidity. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Turbidity estimates the impact of light scattering due to particles on the level of light attenuation in the water column. It is affected by total suspended solids (i.e., organic and inorganic particles) in the water, and ...
    • Guidelines for monitoring of water transparency (Secchi depth). 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Water transparency serves as an index for the trophic state of a water body. It reflects eutrophication through changes in the phytoplankton abundance; increase in the ambient nutrient status in the water leads to higher ...
    • Guidelines for monitoring seabirds at sea. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2021)
      The efforts of HELCOM to conserve the Baltic Sea environment are aggregated in its Baltic Sea Action Plan. Measures to guarantee the environmental integrity of the Baltic Sea need to be backed by science-based environmental ...
    • Guidelines for sampling and determination of ammonium. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Dissolved inorganic nitrogen is present in seawater both as nitrite, nitrate and ammonium. As a complement to the overall assessment of nutrient status, detailed information on the distribution of different species must ...
    • Guidelines for sampling and determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2018)
      The dissolved oxygen (DO) content in seawater is controlled by several unrelated processes including exchange with air, metabolism of plants and animals, microbial and chemical decomposition of organic matter, hydrodynamic ...
    • Guidelines for sampling and determination of nitrate 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Dissolved inorganic nitrogen is present in seawater both as nitrite, nitrate and ammonium. As a complement to the overall assessment of nutrient status, detailed information on the distribution of different species must ...
    • Guidelines for sampling and determination of nitrite. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2016)
      Dissolved inorganic nitrogen is present in seawater both as nitrite, nitrate and ammonium. As a complement to the overall assessment of nutrient status, detailed information on the distribution of different species must ...
    • Guidelines for sampling and determination of pH in seawater. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Since ocean acidification is a growing concern, monitoring of pH is necessary for studies of acidification and its effects on the carbonate buffer system. As many important biological processes are likely to be affected ...
    • Guidelines for sampling and determination of phosphate. 

      HELCOM (HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland, 2017)
      Phosphate is in many cases in the Baltic Sea the limiting factor for phytoplankton growth. Monitoring of phosphate levels is essential for evaluation of the effects of eutrophication. 1.2 Purpose and aims Monitoring of ...