Now showing items 161-180 of 2154

    • Performance Verification Statement for the Greenspan Technology Dissolved Oxygen Sensor DO300/DO1200. 

      Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
      Instrument performance verification is necessary so that effective existing technologies can be recognized and so that promising new technologies can become available to support coastal science, resource management, and ...
    • QARTOD-I Report: First Workshop Report on the Quality Assurance of Real-Time Ocean Data, December 3 - 5, 2003. 

      Kearns, Edward; Woody, Catherine; Bushnell, Mark (NOAA/NWS/National Data Buoy Center, Stennis Space Center, MS, 2004)
      The first workshop on the Quality Assurance of Real-Time Ocean Data (QARTOD - I) for the coastal ocean observing community was hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Data Buoy Center ...
    • Biological monitoring: General guidelines for quality assurance. 

      Rees, H. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004)
      These guidelines have been prepared by the ICES/OSPAR Steering Group on Quality Assurance of Biological Measurements in the Northeast Atlantic (SGQAE), as part of its role to encourage the production of biological data of ...
    • HPLC Chlorophyll Processing for the ACT Performance Verification of In Situ Fluorometers. 

      Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
      The HPLC method used for chlorophyll a analysis followed that of Zapata et al (2000; MEPS 195:29-45) and was conducted by the laboratory of Dr. Welschmeyer at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML, the West Coast ACT ...
    • Ocean Optics Protocols For Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 5. Volume VI: Special Topics in Ocean Optics Protocols, Part 2. 

      Mueller, J. L.; Brown, S. W.; Clark, D. K.; Johnson, B. C.; Yoon, H.; Lykke, K. R.; Flora, S. J; Feinholz, M. E.; Souaidia, N.; Pietras, C.; Stone, T. C.; Yarbrough, M. A.; Kim, Y. S.; Barnes, R. A. (Goddard Space Flight Space Center., Greenbelt, MD, 2004)
      Volume VI, Part 2 (Revision 5): This volume supplements the 5 chapters of Volume VI (Rev. 4), adding two new “Special Topics” chapters: · Chapter 6 briefly reviews recent progress in protocols for instrument self shading ...
    • Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae. 2nd revised edition. 

      Hallegraeff, G.M.; Anderson, D.M.; Cembella, A.D.; Enevoldsen, H.O. (UNESCO, Paris, France, 2004)
      Following a general introduction on harmful algal blooms, the Manual proper is composed of four parts: Methods, Taxonomy, Monitoring and Management, and Appendices. The Methods section covers oceanographic field-sampling ...
    • Convention-wide Practices and Procedures in relation to marine dumped chemical weapons and munitions (2004 Update). 

      OSPAR Commission (OSPAR Commission, London, UK, 2004)
      As part of a broader overview of the issue of dumped conventional and chemical munitions in the OSPAR area, in response to a request by OSPAR (OSPAR 00/20/1, §10.15), Ireland has prepared the following assessment of the ...
    • ISO 6878:2004. Water quality — Determination of phosphorus — Ammonium molybdate spectrometric method. Edition 2. [Reviewed 2019] 

      International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland, 2004)
      This International Standard specifies the determination of different forms of phosphorus compounds present in ground, surface and waste waters in various concentrations in the dissolved and undissolved state. The user ...
    • Protocols for the ACT Verification of In Situ Dissolved Oxygen Sensors. 

      Alliance for Coastal Technologies (Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Solomons, MD, 2004)
      As part of our service to the coastal community, ACT Partner Institutions and Stakeholder Council has chosen the perform ance verification of commercially available in situ dissolved oxygen sensors as the first ...
    • Chemical measurements in the Baltic Sea: guidelines on quality assurance. 

      Lysiak-Pastuszak, E.; Krysell, M. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004)
      This document provides an introduction to quality issues, in general, and quality assurance in Baltic marine monitoring laboratories, in particular. The guidelines are intended to assist laboratories in starting up and ...
    • European seagrasses: an introduction to monitoring and management. 

      Borum, J.; Duarte, C.M.; Krause-Jensen, D.; Greve, T.M. (Monitoring and Managing of European Seagrasses Project, 2004)
      With this booklet, we aim to give environmental managers a basic introduction to monitoring and management of European seagrasses. Several countries already have established comprehensive and advanced monitoring programmes ...
    • Web Feature Service Implementation Specification, Verson 1.1.0. 

      Vretanos, Panagiotis, A (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2005)
      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has developed a member consensus that when software vendors implement their products in compliance with open geospatial web service interface and data encoding specifications, end-users ...
    • IOC criteria and guidelines on the transfer of marine technology. 

      Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (UNESCO, Paris, France, 2005)
      The criteria and guidelines aim at applying the provisions of Part XIV (Development and transfer of marine technology) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), providing a critical tool to promote ...
    • Ciguatera: a field reference guide. 

      Laurent, Dominique; Yeeting, Being; Labrosse, Pierre; Gaudechoux, Jean-Paul (Secretariat of Pacific Community (SPC) / Institut Recherche pour le'Developpement (IRD), Noumea, New Caledonia, 2005)
      Ciguatera is a form of food poisoning caused by eating fish containing toxins called ciguatoxins which come from micro-algae living on coral reefs. Ciguatera is a significant public health issue in the Pacific and in all ...
    • Salinity Data Management Best Practices Workshop Report, August 3-4, 2005. 

      NOAA Coastal Services Center (NOAA Coastal Services Center, Charleston, SC, 2005)
      The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Services Center hosted a workshop focused on data management for real-time in-situ salinity data in Charleston, South Carolina, during the first week of ...
    • OpenGIS web services architecture description. 

      Whiteside, Arliss (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2005)
      This document describes many aspects of the OGC web services architecture, which the OGC is currently developing. This architecture is a service-oriented architecture, with all components providing one or more services ...
    • Web Map Context Documents. Version 1.1.0. 

      Sonnet, Jerome (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2005)
      This document is the result of work begun during the first and second OGC Web Mapping Testbeds in 1999 and 2000 by IONIC Software and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and demonstrated by IONIC ...
    • Ocean Systems Test and Evaluation Program : Microwave Air Gap - Bridge Clearance Sensor Test, Evaluation and Implementation Report. 

      Bushnell, M.; Bosley, K.; Mero, T. (NOAA, NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Silver Spring, MD, 2005)
      The National Ocean Service (NOS) Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) manages several programs to monitor the Nation's coastal waters, including PORTS® (Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System). ...
    • Test, Evaluation, and Implementation of Current Measurement Systems on Aids-To-Navigation. 

      Bosley, K.T.; McGrath, C.; Dussault, J.P.; Bushnell, M.; Evans, M.J.; French, G.W.; Earwaker, K. (NOAA, NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Silver Spring, MD, 2005)
      The Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS®) is a program of the National Ocean Service’s Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (NOS/CO-OPS). PORTS® provides real-time marine environmental ...
    • Review of analytical methods for determining metabolites of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in fish bile. 

      Ariese, F.; Beyer, J.; Jonsson, G.; Porte, C.; Krahn, M.M. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005)
      In fish, metabolites of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in gall bladder bile can be used as biomarkers for recent environmental exposure to PACs. These metabolites in the bile result from hepatic biotransformation ...