Now showing items 41-47 of 47

    • Volume 2: OGC CDB Core: Model and Physical Structure: Informative Annexes. Version 1.0. 

      Reed, Carl (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2017)
      This document provides the Annexes for the CDB Core: Model and Physical Structure standard. The only exception is Annex A, Abstract Test Suite. The CDB ATS Annex is in Volume 1: Core document.
    • Volume 5: OGC CDB Radar Cross Section (RCS) Models, Version 1.1. 

      Reed, Carl (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2018)
      This CDB volume provides all of the information required to store Radar Cross Section (RCS) data within a conformant CDB data store. Please note that the current CDB standard only provides encoding rules for using ...
    • Volume 6: OGC CDB Rules for Encoding Data using OpenFlight, Version 1.1. 

      Reed, Carl (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2018)
      This volume defines the OpenFlight implementation requirements for a CDB conformant data store. Please also see Volume 1 OGC CDB Core Standard: Model and Physical Structure for a general description of all of the industry ...
    • Volume 7: OGC CDB Data Model Guidance Formerly Annex A Volume Part 2. Version 1.0. 

      Reed, Carl (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2017)
      This CDB Volume provides Guidelines, Clarifications, Rationales, Primers, and additional information for the definition and use of various models that can be stored in a CDB compliant data store. Please note that the term ...
    • WaterML-WQ - an O&M and WaterML 2.0 profile for water quality data. Version 1.0. 

      Cox, Simon J.D.; Simons, Bruce A. (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2014)
      This Best Practice describes how to configure XML documents for single and time series water quality measurements. In addition to stating the rules for using the O&M and WML 2 standards, along with the appropriate content ...
    • Web Feature Service Implementation Specification, Verson 1.1.0. 

      Vretanos, Panagiotis, A (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2005)
      The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has developed a member consensus that when software vendors implement their products in compliance with open geospatial web service interface and data encoding specifications, end-users ...
    • Web Map Context Documents. Version 1.1.0. 

      Sonnet, Jerome (Open Geospatial Consortium, Wayland, MA, 2005)
      This document is the result of work begun during the first and second OGC Web Mapping Testbeds in 1999 and 2000 by IONIC Software and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and demonstrated by IONIC ...