Now showing items 1-20 of 44

    • Best practice in Ecopath with Ecosim food-web models for ecosystem-based management. [In: Special Edition: Ecopath 30 years - Modelling ecosystem dynamics: beyond boundaries with EwE] 

      Heymans, Johanna J; Coll, Marta; Link, Jason S; Mackinson, Steven; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Walters, Carl; Christensen, Villy (2016)
      Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) models are easier to construct and use compared to most other ecosystem modelling techniques and are therefore more widely used by more scientists and managers. This, how- ever, creates a problem ...
    • Best Practices for Quantification of Uncertainty and Sampling Quality in Molecular Simulations [Article v1.0]. 

      Grossfield, Alan; Patrone, Paul N.; Roe, Daniel R.; Schultz, Andrew J.; Siderius, Daniel W.; Zuckerman, Daniel M. (2019)
      The quantitative assessment of uncertainty and sampling quality is essential in molecular simulation. Many systems of interest are highly complex, often at the edge of current computational capabilities. Modelers must ...
    • Best Practices for Scientific Computing. 

      Wilson, G.; Aruliah, D. A.; Brown, C.T.; Chue Hong, N.P.; Davis, M.; Guy, R.T.; Haddock, S.H.D.; Huff, K.D.; Mitchell, I.M.; Plumbley, M.D.; Waugh, B.; White, E.P.; Wilson, P. (2014)
      Scientists spend an increasing amount of time building and using software. However, most scientists are never taught how to do this efficiently. As a result, many are unaware of tools and practices that would allow them ...
    • Big Data and Data from Sensors. 

      UKEOF Data Advisory Group (UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF), Bailrigg, UK, 2017)
      This paper aims to provide a broad range of the UKEOF community and partners with a brief and introductory overview of the current state-of-play of big data, including UKEOF partner use cases in environmental ...
    • The Cape Town Statement on Geoethics. 

      Di Capua, Giuseppe; Peppoloni, Silvia; Bobrowsky, Peter T. (2017)
      Recently the interest by geoscientists in (geo)ethical aspects of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice and communication has grown considerably. Today the topic of geoethics has gained a significant visibility ...
    • The CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance. 

      Carroll, Stephanie Russo; Garba, Ibrahim; Figueroa-Rodríguez, Oscar L.; Holbrook, Jarita; Lovett, Raymond; Materechera, Simeon; Parsons, Mark; Raseroka, Kay; Rodriguez-Lonebear, Desi; Rowe, Robyn; Sara, Rodrigo; Walker, Jennifer D.; Anderson, Jane; Hudson, Maui (2020)
      Concerns about secondary use of data and limited opportunities for benefit-sharing have focused attention on the tension that Indigenous communities feel between (1) protecting Indigenous rights and interests in Indigenous ...
    • Conceptual Framework for Developing the Next Generation of Marine OBservatories (MOBs) for Science and Society. 

      Crise, Alessandro; Ribera d’Alcalà, Maurizio; Mariani, Patrizio; Petihakis, George; Robidart, Julie; Iudicone, Daniele; Bachmayer, Ralf; Malfatti, Francesca (2018)
      In the field of ocean observing, the term of “observatory” is often used without a unique meaning. A clear and unified definition of observatory is needed in order to facilitate the communication in a multidisciplinary ...
    • Data Citation and Publication for Researchers. 

      UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF) (UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF), Bailrigg, UK, 2014)
      Data are a fundamental part of the research process. Without them, it is impossible to verify the results of published studies or reproduce the science. Yet modern datasets are so large that it is not practical for the ...
    • Data Governance. 

      UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF) (UK Environmental Observation Framework (UKEOF), Bailrigg, UK, 2014)
      Data is the lifeblood of any business and is a valued resource and an asset. Good data governance means that all data has a designated owner (usually someone senior in the organisation) to ensure it is managed and looked ...
    • The Data Librarian's Handbook. [Facet Publishing Book Webpage] 

      Rice, Robin; Southall, John (2016)
      An insider’s guide to data librarianship packed full of practical examples and advice for any library and information professional learning to deal with data. There is a growing interest in data as an object of interest ...
    • Decision Guide: Selecting Decision Support Tools for Marine Spatial Planning. 

      Center for Ocean Solutions (The Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2011)
      In this Decision Guide, the term marine spatial planning is used, but emphasis is placed on the systematic and spatial nature of these approaches rather than the name itself. The systematic component provides a framework ...
    • Ethical recommendations for ocean observation. 

      Barbier, Michèle; Reitz, Anja; Pabortsava, Katsiaryna; Wölf, Anne-Cathrin; Hahn, Tobias; Whoriskey, Fred (2018)
      The United Nations proclaimed a decade of marine science for sustainable development (2021–2030) to develop a common framework that will ensure that ocean science can fully support countries in achieving the goal of ...
    • Experimental strategies to assess the biological ramifications of multiple drivers of global ocean change - a review. 

      Boyd, Philip W.; Collins, Sinead; Dupont, Sam; Fabricius, Katharina; Gattuso, Jean‐Pierre; Havenhand, Jonathan; Hutchins, David A.; Riebesell, Ulf; Rintoul, Max S.; Vichi, Marcello; Biswas, Haimanti; Ciotti, Aurea; Gao, Kunshan; Gehlen, Marion; Hurd, Catriona L.; Kurihara, Haruko; McGraw, Christina M.; Navarro, Jorge M.; Nilsson, Göran E.; Passow, Uta; Pörtner, Hans‐Otto (2018)
      Marine life is controlled by multiple physical and chemical drivers and by diverse ecological processes. Many of these oceanic properties are being altered by climate change and other anthropogenic pressures. Hence, ...
    • From Interoperability to Harmonization in Metadata Standardization: Designing an Evolvable Framework for Metadata Harmonization [Doctoral Thesis] 

      Nilsson, Mikael (KTH School of Computer Science and Communication, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010)
      Metadata is an increasingly central tool in the current web environment, enabling large-scale, distributed management of resources. Recent years has seen a growth in interaction between previously relatively isolated ...
    • Good enough practices in scientific computing. 

      Wilson, Greg; Bryan, Jennifer; Cranston, Karen; Kitzes, Justin; Nederbragt, Lex; Teal, Tracy (2017)
      Computers are now essential in all branches of science, but most researchers are never taught the equivalent of basic lab skills for research computing. As a result, data can get lost, analyses can take much longer than ...
    • Guidance on Coastal Character Assessment. 

      Anderson, Carol (Scottish National Heritage, Inverness, Scotland, 2017)
      Coastal character assessment informs and guides coastal and marine planning, and individual development proposals, by informing landscape/seascape and visual impact assessments. This guidance presents the methodology on ...
    • Guide to Best Practice in Seascape Assessment. 

      Hill, Margaret; Briggs, John; Minto, Peter; Bagnall, David; Foley, Karen; Williams, Tony (Marine Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 2001)
      Seascape is a crucial element in any maritime nation’s sense of identity and culture. It has played an important part in the history and development of Ireland and Wales. The coast and the sea is a primary holiday and ...
    • Guide to data protection. [in UK] 

      Information Commissioner's Office (Information Commissioner's Office, London, UK, 2019)
      This guide is for data protection officers and others who have day-to-day responsibility for dataprotection. It is aimed at small and medium-sized organisations, but it may be useful for largerorganisations too. If you are ...
    • Harmonizing the Metadata Among Diverse Climate Change Datasets. 

      Vellino, André (2015)
      One of the critical problems in the curation of research data is the harmonization of its internal metadata schemata. The value of harmonizing such data is well illustrated by the Berkeley Earth project, which successfully ...
    • Indigenous Data Governance: Strategies from United States Native Nations. 

      Carroll, Stephanie Russo; Rodriguez-Lonebear, Desi; Martinez, Andrew (2019)
      Data have become the new global currency, and a powerful force in making decisions and wielding power. As the world engages with open data, big data reuse, and data linkage, what do data-driven futures look like for ...