Now showing items 202-221 of 531

    • Good Practice Guide for Underwater Noise Measurement. 

      Robinson, Stephen P.; Lepper, Paul A.; Hazelwood, Richard A. (National Measurement Office, Marine Scotland, The Crown Estate, Teddington, England, 2014)
      This document provides guidance on best practice for in-situ measurement of underwater sound, for processing the data, and for reporting the measurements using appropriate metrics . Measured noise levels are sometimes ...
    • Good Practice Guidelines for Hydrographic Surveys in New Zealand Ports and Harbours. 

      Maritime New Zealand (New Zealand Government, Wellington, New Zealand, 2020)
      These guidelines provide guidance to decision-makers and operators for planning, carrying out and managing hydrographic surveys that:  support the safe navigation of vessels in New Zealand ports and harbours  help to ...
    • Guidance Note on the Application of Coastal Modelling for Small Island Developing States. 

      Wolf, Judith; Becker, Amani; Bricheno, Lucy; Brown, Jenny; Byrne, David; De Dominicis, Michela; Phillips, Ben (National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, UK, 2020)
      Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are very diverse, but have something in common: they are all vulnerable to human-induced climate change, but have contributed very little to causing the problem, due to their small ...
    • Guidance on Best Practice for Marine and Coastal Physical Processes Baseline Survey and Monitoring Requirements to inform EIA of Major Development Projects. 

      Brooks, Anthony; Whitehead, Peter; Lambkin, David (Natural Resources Wales, Cardiff, Wales, 2018)
      The purpose of this report is to provide guidance on marine, coastal and estuarine physical processes Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) baseline survey and monitoring requirements for major development projects, ...
    • Guidance on Coastal Character Assessment. 

      Anderson, Carol (Scottish National Heritage, Inverness, Scotland, 2017)
      Coastal character assessment informs and guides coastal and marine planning, and individual development proposals, by informing landscape/seascape and visual impact assessments. This guidance presents the methodology on ...
    • Guidance on Setup, Calibration, and Validation of Hydrodynamic, Wave, and Sediment Models for Shelf Seas and Estuaries. 

      Williams, Jon J.; Esteves, Luciana S. (2017)
      This paper is motivated by a present lack of clear model performance guidelines for shelf sea and estuarine modellers seeking to demonstrate to clients and end users that a model is fit for purpose. It addresses the common ...
    • Guidance to Manage the Risk to Marine Mammals from Man-made Sound Sources in Irish Waters. 

      Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin, Ireland, 2014)
      There has been increasing concern internationally about the potentially harmful effect of man-made sound on the marine environment and species therein that could be sensitive to it. Sound that is derived from human ...
    • Guide to Best Practice in Seascape Assessment. 

      Hill, Margaret; Briggs, John; Minto, Peter; Bagnall, David; Foley, Karen; Williams, Tony (Marine Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 2001)
      Seascape is a crucial element in any maritime nation’s sense of identity and culture. It has played an important part in the history and development of Ireland and Wales. The coast and the sea is a primary holiday and ...
    • Guide to data protection. [in UK] 

      Information Commissioner's Office (Information Commissioner's Office, London, UK, 2019)
      This guide is for data protection officers and others who have day-to-day responsibility for dataprotection. It is aimed at small and medium-sized organisations, but it may be useful for largerorganisations too. If you are ...
    • A Guide to Using GitHub for Developing and Versioning Data Standards and Reporting Formats. 

      Crystal-Ornelas, Robert; Varadharajan, Charuleka; Bond-Lamberty, Ben; Boye, Kristin; Burrus, Madison; Cholia, Shreyas; Crow, Michael; Damerow, Joan; Devarakonda, Ranjeet; Ely, Kim S.; Goldman, Amy; Heinz, Susan; Hendrix, Valerie; Kakalia, Zarine; Pennington, Stephanie C.; Robles, Emily; Rogers, Alistair; Simmonds, Maegen; Velliquette, Terri; Weierbach, Helen; Weisenhorn, Pamela; Welch, Jessica N.; Agarwal, Deborah A. (2021)
      Data standardization combined with descriptive metadata facilitate data reuse, which is the ultimate goal of the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles. Community data or metadata standards ...
    • Guideline for underwater noise: Installation of impact or vibratory driven piles. 

      Danish Energy Agency (Danish Energy Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022)
      This Guideline concerns underwater noise in relation to the construction of offshore wind in Danish waters. Technical methods are presented for performing numerical prognosis and measurements. Also, sets of acoustic criteria ...
    • Guideline of ocean observations, Volumes 1-10. 4th edition. 

      Otosaka, S.; Ueki, I.; Sasano, D.; Kumamoto, Y.; Obata, H.; Fukuda, H.; Nishibe, Y.; Maki, H.; Goto, K.; Ono, T.; Aoyama, M. (The Oceanographic Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2020)
      The Oceanographic Society of Japan published the first edition of Guideline of Ocean Observations in September 2015 with an overview of oceanographic observations and the latest oceanographic and analytical methods. This ...
    • Guideline of ocean observations. 1st edition. [Vols 1-10].[SUPERSEDED by DOI:] 

      Kawano, Takeshi (The Oceanographic Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2016)
      In recent years we have been building our knowledge of changes within the oceans through international cooperation and collaboration, for example, by re-occupation of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE); our ...
    • Guideline to marine litter monitoring. 

      Ribbink, A.; Baleta, T.; Martin, S.; Mbongwa, N.; Bray, D. (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, Zanzibar, 2018)
      The following guide was produced by the Sustainable Seas Trust through its African Marine Waste Network project as part of a consultancy with the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association. It includes capacity ...
    • Guidelines for genetic data analysis. 

      Waples, R.S.; Hoelzel, A.R.; Gaggiotti, O.E.; Tiedemann, R.; Palsbøll, P.J.; Cipriano, F.; Jackson, J.A.; Bickham, J.W.; Lang, A.R. (2018)
      The IWC Scientific Committee recently adopted guidelines for quality control of DNA data. Once data have been collected, the next step is to analyse the data and make inferences that are useful for addressing practical ...
    • Guidelines for Measuring Changes in Seawater pH and Associated Carbonate Chemistry in Coastal Environments of the Eastern United States. 

      Pimenta, Adam R.; Grear, Jason S. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Narragansett, RI, 2018)
      These guidelines are written for a variety of audiences ranging from shellfish growers interested in monitoring pH with inexpensive equipment to citizen monitoring groups to advanced chemistry laboratories interested in ...
    • Guidelines for reporting ocean acidification data in scientific journals. Version 1.1, 2015-03-06b. 

      Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Garcia, Hernan; Hoppe, Clara J. M.; Orr, James; Pörtner, Hans-Otto; Yang, Yan (IAEA, Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015)
      This document was prepared in the framework of the data management activity of the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre of the International Atomic Energy Agency (OAICC; ...
    • Guidelines for the handling of Covid-19 on vessels manned and operated by IMR. Version 5.4. 

      Institute of Marine Research (Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, 2021)
      The purpose of these guidelines is to give practical guidance for establishing efficient barriers to prevent the Covid-19 from entering vessels manned and operated by IMR, and to prevent the spreading of Covid-19 if the ...
    • Guidelines for the monitoring and assessment of plastic litter and microplastics in the ocean. 

      Kershaw, P.J.; Turra, A; Galgani, F.; GESAMP (GESAMP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection, London, UK, 2019)
      The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) has been involved in the issue of marine plastic litter and microplastics for over a decade. Initially interest was ...
    • Guía para el control de calidad de datos de temperatura y salinidad obtenidos en cruceros oceanográficos regionales. 

      Specialized Working Group of Database (GTE-BD) of the Regional Cruises; Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur (CPPS) (Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS), Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2022)
      This publication is a product of the Specialized Working Group of Database (GTE-BD in Spanish) of regional cruises of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific (CPPS), with the contributions of institutions from Chile, ...