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dc.contributor.authorZilkoski, David B.
dc.contributor.authorD'Onofrio, Joseph D.
dc.contributor.authorFrakes, Stephen J.
dc.identifier.citationZilkoski, D.B.; D'Onofrio, J.D. and Frakes, S.J. (1997) Guidelines for establishing GPS-derived ellipsoid heights (Standards: 2 CM and 5 CM). Version 4.3. Silver Spring, MD, NOAA NOS (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS, 58). DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe following guidelines were developed by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) for performing Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys that are intended to achieve ellipsoid height network accuracies of 5 cm at the 95 percent confidence level, as well as ellipsoid height local accuracies of 2 cm and 5 cm, also at the 95 percent confidence level. See Appendix A for information about local and relative accuracies. These guidelines were developed in a partnership with Federal, state, and local government agencies, academia, and private surveyors and are the result of processing various test data sets and having extensive discussions with various GPS users groups. We are confident that these guidelines, if followed, will result in achieving the intended accuracy. Additional tests may show that some of these guidelines can be relaxed. These guidelines are intended for establishing geometric vertical control networks. These guidelines will be expanded in the future to include the establishment of GPS-derived orthometric heights that approach these same accuracies, 2 cm and 5 cm. The slight differences between the accuracies of GPS-derived ellipsoid heights and GPS-derived orthometric heights will be generally due to the accuracy of the geoid model and published orthometric heights used to evaluate the differences between the three height systems, i.e., ellipsoid, geoid, and orthometric heights. Note: these guidelines assume that for the survey project area in question, NGS has completed the establishment of a high accuracy reference network at 100-kilometer spacing or that a state-wide High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN) has been established, i.e., there are A- or B-order stations distributed throughout the state at an approximate spacing of 50 km or else there are Federal HARN stations or GPS Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) sites located within 75 km of the project area. An effort should be made to connect to stations which were previously determined using these guidelines (or equivalent). Introduction:en_US
dc.publisherNOAA NOS Center For Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Products and Servicesen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS;58
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.titleGuidelines for establishing GPS-derived ellipsoid heights [Standards: 2 cm and 5 cm]. Version 4.3.en_US
dc.publisher.placeSilver Spring, MDen_US
dc.rights.licensePublic Domain
dc.description.bptypeBest Practiceen_US

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