Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Long-term passive acoustic recordings track the changing distribution of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) from 2004 to 2014. 

      Davis, Genevieve E.; Baumgartner, Mark F.; Bonnell, Julianne M.; Bell, Joel; Berchok, Catherine; Thornton, Jacqueline; Brault, Solange; Buchanan, Gary; Charif, Russell A.; Cholewiak, Danielle; Clark, Christopher W.; Corkeron, Peter; Delarue, Julien; Dudzinski, Kathleen; Hatch, Leila; Hildebrand, John; Hodge, Lynn; Klink, Holger; Kraus, Scott; Martin, Bruce; Mellinger, David K.; Moors-Murphy, Hilary; Nieukirk, Sharon; Nowacek, Douglas P.; Parks, Susan; Read, Andrew J.; Rice, Aaron N.; Risch, Denise; Širović, Ana; Soldevilla, Melissa; Stafford, Kate; Stanistreet, Joy E.; Summers, Erin; Todd, Sean; Warde, Ann; Van Parijs, Sofie M. (2017)
      Given new distribution patterns of the endangered North Atlantic right whale (NARW; Eubalaena glacialis) population in recent years, an improved understanding of spatio-temporal movements are imperative for the conservation ...
    • NOAA and BOEM Minimum Recommendations for Use of Passive Acoustic Listening Systems in Offshore Wind Energy Development Monitoring and Mitigation Programs. 

      Van Parijs, Sofie M.; Baker, Kyle; Carduner, Jordan; Daly, Jaclyn; Davis, Genevieve; Esch, Carter; Guan, Shane; Scholick-Schlomer, Amy; Sisson, Nicholas B.; Staaterman, Erica (2021)
      Offshore wind energy development is rapidly ramping up in United States (U.S.) waters in order to meet renewable energy goals. With a diverse suite of endangered large whale species and a multitude of other protected marine ...