The Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) was founded in 1999 by directors of oceanographic institutions around the world as a forum to promote and advance the observation of the global ocean. POGO is a UK-registered charity with member institutions from around the world, and works closely with other international and regional programmes and organisations. The ocean is too vast, too interconnected and its impacts too widespread for any one nation let alone one organisation to embark on this task alone. One simple message is clear: international cooperation is essential.
That is why we, the major ocean research institutions of the world have come together to form the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO).
We are not daunted by the task ahead of us – we are excited by it. This is because we believe that collectively we have the capability to succeed, enabled by rapidly advancing technological innovations that we are leading. We believe that working together there is now a real prospect, over the next decade, of making major strides forward in building the truly global ocean measurement system needed to understand and monitor the ocean for the benefit of all.

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Ocean Sound Essential Ocean Variable Implementation Plan. 

    Tyack, P.L.; Akamatsu, T.; Boebel, O.; Chapuis, L.; Debusschere, E; de Jong, C.; Erbe, C.; Evans, K.; Gedamke, J.; Gridley, T.; Haralabus, G.; Jenkins, R.; Miksis-Olds, J.; Sagen, H.; Thomsen, F.; Thomisch, K.; Urban, E. (International Quiet Ocean Experiment, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research and Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean, 2023)
    This document provides guidance for the addition of acoustic observations to the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) through implementation of the Ocean Sound Essential Ocean Variable (EOV). The goal of this Ocean Sound ...
  • Writing a Communication Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide and Template. Tailored for International (Marine) Science Organisations. 

    Seeyave, Sophie; Simpson, Pauline; Burg, Scott; Davidson, Kelly-Marie; Keizer, Thecia; Beckman, Fiona; Cheung, Victoria; Miller, Anuschka; Ribeiro, Aurora; Smail, Emily; Villwock, Andreas (Partnership for the Global Observation of the Oceans (POGO) for Ocean Communicators United, Plymouth, UK, 2017)
    During the Ocean Communicators United meeting focussing on communication strategies, it was noted that most organisations did not make their communication strategies public, and that it was quite difficult to find information ...