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dc.identifier.citationIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and World Meteorological Organization. (1984). Guide to operational procedures for the collection and exchange of oceanographic data (BATHY and TESAC). Revised edition 1984. Paris, France, Unesco, 62pp. (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Manuals and Guides 3) DOI:
dc.description.abstractAll nations are profoundly influenced by the world oceans in many ways - some direct and obvious, others indirect and more subtle. Even those countries without ocean coastline feel the influence of the ocean, for example, as it affects world-wide weather and climate and In the availability of foreign goods and access to distant markets. Some influences of the ocean are benefitial; others may be detrimental to human activities ; most are beyond our ability to control, except in very limited ways, but, forewarned with a knowledge of the state of the ocean and even a limited prediction of future trends, it may often be possible to maximize the beneficial effects and to avoid or guard effectively against those which could be detrimental. The Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS) was conceived as a eans to collect and, exchange oceanic data in such a form that they can be readily interpreted and applied to practical problems. Data in various forms may be gathered from many sources, It is necessary to properly encode and route these data to processing centers using proper quality control procedures. It is then possible to prepare products which summarize and/or interpret the data in ways which are meaninful and useful to users, Finally, the products are distributed to users and the data are stored or "archived" for future use, The IGOSS system has been designed to carry out these functions in co-operation with other international agencies.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Manuals and Guides; 3 [1984]en
dc.titleGuide to operational procedures for the collection and exchange of oceanographic data (BATHY and TESAC). Revised edition 1984 [SUPERCEDED].en
dc.description.versionSuperseded by : Guide to Operational Procedures for the collection and exchange of JCOMM Oceanographic Data IOC Manuals and Guides No. 3 (3rd Rev. Ed.). 1988 and later 1999 Guide to operational procedures for the collection and exchange of JCOMM oceanographic data
dc.description.otherdata routing, data storage, data exchange, BATHY, TESACen_US
dc.subject.asfaCurrent measurementen
dc.subject.asfaCurrent dataen
dc.subject.asfaCurrent measuring equipmenten
dc.subject.asfaSalinity dataen
dc.subject.asfaSalinity measuring equipmenten
dc.subject.asfaSalinity measurementen
dc.subject.asfaTemperature dataen
dc.subject.asfaTemperature measurementen
dc.subject.asfaTemperature gradientsen
dc.subject.asfaSubsurface currentsen
dc.subject.asfaSubsurface wateren
dc.subject.asfaSurface salinityen
dc.subject.asfaSurface temperatureen
dc.subject.agrovocSubsurface wateren
dc.contributor.corpauthorIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commissionen_US
dc.contributor.corpauthorWorld Meteorological Organizationen_US
dc.publisher.placeParis, France
dc.relation.ispartofseriesnr3, [1984]

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